Friday, June 6, 2008

Carpal Tunnel?

Using a computer mouse can cause or aggravate carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the constriction of the median nerve that runs through the opening in your wrist (the carpal tunnel) and controls the sensation in your thumb and fingers.

Did you know that moving your mouse to the LEFT side of your keyboard can greatly reduce wrist strain? You don't have to reach over the keyboard's number pad to get to the mouse, so it is a more comfortable position. It make take about a week to get used to the change. Give it a try!

Stretching and massage can also be very effective in reducing symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. To stretch- grasp the fingers of your right hand with your left hand and pull them towards the floor. Straighten your right arm to get a stretch in your forearm. Rotate your arm for a deeper stretch. Repeat on the other side.

We offer a massage that specifically targets areas to help relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel. Call 480-874-8000 for more information or to schedule a treatment.

Happy surfing!

Margo Zelenski, owner
The Massage & Esthetics Studio

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